Will blind people soon be able to use a computer screen as a whole?

I just check one of my favourite sites on news and found this amazing article. I suppose you read all through it. But for those who don't have time, here you have a short summary:

Today computer screens for blind people are expensive and only show one line at a time. The North Carolina State University is making an effort on developing a tactile display for more than one line. This means that blind people would be able to "read" images and text at the same time with more than one line. It's a "hydraulic and latching mechanism" which allows to raise dots at the hight that is needed to display the letter/word/image accurately! The good thing about it is that it is inexpensive!

And here is an image of how it works. Unfortunately the quality is not as it's best. But i think to understand the principle it's sufficient.

Article was found on sciencedaily.com
But the original source and probably best source to follow the project is on NCSU (North Caroline State University)

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